Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Symposium 2: Marketing & Branding REFLECTION

February 2nd, 2010

Reading: Danish Design - A Structural Analysis by Anders Kretzchmar

Presenters: L. Rinquist, K. Stark & B. Tully

Overall Feelings

In general I believe our presentation was a success. We had clear talking points, proficient analysis of the readings and appropriate discussion questions. As a unit our group worked well; each member was reliable and always had their work finished on time. Strong group communication and thoughtful analysis of the material lead to a presentation that was both visually and intellectually stimulating. However, with that being said, there is always room for improvement.

What We Did Right

When structuring our presentation it became very important to us that classroom interaction occurred throughout the symposium. Thus, I believe we were successful at engaging the audience early on with the drawing exercise and comparative Target/Apple advertisements. Additionally I think it was a good idea to start the scope of our presentation wide, talking about the history of marketing/branding, only to become more defined at the end, which included the reading review and reflection questions. Finally, I believe our discussion questions raised awareness of key issues from the required reading; students left with good information to use in their Danish Design Journal reflection.

What Could We Have Improved Upon

Looking back on the presentation, I believe some of our earliest material was the weakest. The slides that included colors and shapes of logos were headed in the right direction, but I’m not sure they were poignant enough or relative enough to the situation. Additionally, our examples of advertisement campaigns were focused solely on American companies. Expanding our scope to include a few Danish companies would have been more appropriate. Finally, I believe showing more (pictures) and telling less (words) with the power point would have made a stronger impression on our audience. For example: in the history of branding slide we should have used pictures of branded cattle, not just words associated with the action.

What Should Have Been Left Out

I felt most of our material was relevant and beneficial to the class, however some points of our presentation were rather elementary and essentially common knowledge. Again, the section with colors and shapes was quite obvious and I hardly imagine anyone took new information away from that section. In general, the first couple points of our presentation could have been thinned out to create space for more discussion on comparative ads (like Target and Apple). Finally, the reading review outline may have been too comprehensive. It was almost too detailed that it gave away everything from the required reading to people who didn’t take the time to complete it before class. On the flip side, this may have helped sparked the quality discussion by the end of class.

Final Reflections

I’m happy and satisfied with our work. Nothing major needed overhauling in our presentation. We didn’t run short on time, we didn’t run out of time. People were engaged and their was a variety of discussion on all components of marketing and branding. I believe we satisfied the goals set out for us on this symposium.

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